8 October 2020

Podcast: SDG 10 – Lize Lubbe and Gwendolyn Zorn

In this Podcast of our SustainableSA Podcast series we are unpacking Sustainable Development Goals 10: Reducing Inequality, what its means to South African business and what we need to do as a collective to achieve SDG 10 by 2030. We chat to Lize Lubbe (Principal) and Gwendolyn Zorn (Head of Impact) from Phatisa, which is an African sector-specific fund manager that invests in feeding and housing Africa. We unpack the incredible work Phatisa is doing in working towards reducing inequality and lay down the challenge to the rest of SA Inc to do more than “tick the boxes”. As Gwendolyn explains: “Businesses are engines for economic growth and reducing inequalities, having the potential to create jobs, foster economic activity through their value chain, and contribute tax revenues for public services and infrastructure”.