Trust restoration
Integrated Ethics project

Integrated Ethics project

The vision of the Integrated Ethics project is to develop the ethics competence of all SAICA members with the aim of restoring trust and reputation.

Ethics competence will be developed by focussing on four main determinants of ethics competence namely:

  • The promotion of a professionalism mindset through the advocating of the public interest role as declared in the Code of Professional Conduct (the right mindset)
  • The cultivation of an ethical culture in the profession through the establishment of formal and in formal structures (the right culture)
  • The promotion of ethical and effective leadership principles to all SAICA members (the right leadership)
  • The development of ethics knowledge, skills and behaviour through a wide spectrum of ethics training(that moves beyond mere compliance to the Code) (the right training)

The above four pillars will be the basis of the IEP work plan for 2021 and beyond.

The focus of SAICA ethics interventions which previously weighed heavily on compliance knowledge development, will be expanded to include crucial skills and behaviours/attitudes required for ethics competence.