Member info
Member value proposition
Networking opportunities

Networking opportunities

I have the opportunity to be a part of various forums, committees and attend events which offer invaluable networking opportunities.

Be part of the SAICA structures

By participating in SAICA’s forums and committees, members and associates collaborate with SAICA to ensure their input is taken into account in all SAICA’s activities, including advocacy, product and service development, and the future of the profession.

In addition, members have the opportunity to serve on the SAICA Board, the SAICA National Council, regional councils, district associations and special/constituency interest groups which include, among others, the Members in Business, Public Sector, Tax and Practice interest groups etc.

Networking events

SAICA provides a valuable platform for accessing ongoing learning and networking opportunities. In addition to learning offerings mentioned in our CPD and Seminars and Events pages, SAICA also offers networking events like conferences, dinners, business breakfasts, district social events, golf days and many more, when circumstances permit.