Awards and Competitions
Trainee Trailblazers
How To Enter

How To Enter

CA 2025

To enter, submit a 90 to 120 seconds long video giving a brief explanation of why you are a Trailblazer in one of SAICA’s CA2025 Trailblazing categories listed below, together with a brief biography (which includes your SAICA ID and the submission of a colour photograph).

If you are shortlisted, you will be required to create a 5-minute video giving more insight into your skill. The submission date for the 5-minute video would be communicated to you at a later stage.

Please note that if you are selected as one of the category winners, you will need to prepare an extended video which will be presented at the Trainee Trailblazer Summit Award Ceremony on the 14th of October 2022. You will be allocated a videographer who will assist in recording and editing the video.

When entering, please select at least one of the below Trailblazer categories:

  • Ethics: This competency area includes personal, business and professional ethics and describes the ethical principles, values and attitudes an individual must apply, also when interacting with others.
  • Lifelong learning: Life-long learning refers to the process of self-initiated education aimed at self-development and acquiring an adaptive and agile mind set.
  • Citizenship: “Citizenship” is most often used to indicate nationality and explain the rights and responsibilities attached to “membership” of a nation state. In this context we however mean citizenship in a broader sense – i.e. the rights/responsibilities that attach to being a member of multiple communities (including the communities you belong to as an individual, the wider social impact and the accountancy profession).
  • Business acumen: The ability to make quick correct and/or focused strategic decisions and good judgements in a business or business division.
  • Decision making acumen: This competency area refers to cognitive processes to decide on actions or between alternatives and includes analytical / critical thinking, integrated thinking, problem-solving, judgement and decision-making and professional scepticism.
  • Relationship acumen: Relational acumen is defined as the “art of developing relationships” (Churchley, Neufeld, Purvey, 2013). It is the ability to develop, maintain and adapt relationships and stakeholder networks to ensure facilitation of required action; the delivery of relevant feedback and the development of relational trust.
  • Digital acumen: This competency area refers to digital topics that influence ways of work and business decisions and includes computational thinking, data knowledge and strategy, data analytics, new developments and protocols, cyber security and user competencies.

Find more details about the categories here. (See page 11 to 26)

The 2022 Trainee Trailblazer Competition is sponsored by Makosi, the global leader in on-demand audit talent.